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A Prayer for Grandfamiles Printable

Stacy Sanchez

Here’s how you can download & print your prayer

Step 1: Download the File

  1. Click on the Link: Download Prayer BELOW.

  2. Save the File: A PDF file will open in your browser. Right-click on the PDF and select "Save As" to save it to your computer. Choose a location where you can easily find it later (e.g., your Desktop or Downloads folder).

Step 2: Open the PDF File

  1. Locate the File: Go to the location where you saved the PDF file.

  2. Open the File: Double-click on the file to open it. It should open in your default PDF viewer (like Adobe Acrobat Reader).

Step 2: Open the JPEG file

  1. You can also choose to CLICK ON JPEG IMAGE FILE BELOW and "Save in Photos" of your Smartphone or Drag to Desktop of your Computer.



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