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The Eyes of the Lord

Stacy Sanchez

“It is a land the LORD your God cares for; the eyes of the LORD your God are continually on it

from the beginning of the year to its end” (Deuteronomy 11:12 NIV).

Well, we made it. Thank You, Lord! (Insert your favorite celebration text emoji here. I choose

the praise hands. Maybe the high 5.) We’ve made it through a rollercoaster year. Didn’t we?

How y’all doing? I’m still in a bit of a holidaze and need a long winter’s nap.

It’s a new year. Do you have high hopes for the coming months? Or are you tenuously tiptoeing

into the future? It goes without saying, none of us know what this next year will bring.

Personally, I don’t want to know what’s coming my way. If I did, I probably wouldn’t want to get

out of bed in the morning. (Remind me I said that when I get walloped by a doozy of a situation

and I’m cramming chocolate into my mouth and whining to God, “Whyyyy is this happening?”)

“It is a land the LORD your God cares for; the eyes of the LORD your God are continually on it

from the beginning of the year to its end” (Deuteronomy 11:12 NIV).

I believe it is God’s compassionate grace that shields us from knowing what is in store. He is a

loving Father who already sees what will happen and is standing there with open arms waiting

for us to arrive. Whatever the situation, whatever the pain, He is prepared and has the healing in

place. Let’s just sit and selah on that for a moment: He planned for our healing before we even

felt the pain.

The Lord deeply loves us. He is continually watching over us. He doesn’t turn His head and look

away. He doesn’t get distracted. He sees what we don’t and protects us from things we’ll never

know. The Bible tells us 365 times to not fear for good reason. He’s got this. Do you believe

that? If not, ask yourself why. What is holding you back from fully trusting God? Be open and

honest and talk with Him about it. He cares. He won’t turn His back on you. In fact, I’d say He’d

wrap His arms around you even tighter.

Whatever may come this year, you can be sure you are in the capable hands of a good, good God

who loves you dearly. So, grab my hand, let’s jump into this new year with the confidence and

moxie of a four-year-old wearing a Superman cape. With the Almighty watching over us, who

can be against us?

Heavenly Father, thank You for loving us so much. What a reassurance it is to know You are

watching over us. Your eyes are on the beginning of the year until its end. We can be confident

that no matter what happens this year, You are working all things together for our good. We need

not fear the future. Amen.


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